Site icon Sitka Nature

Wood Duck

Spring-like conditions continued today, though it was not as sunny as yesterday. Overcast skies this morning did break up enough to let the sun shine through. I enjoyed the warmth of the sun on my skin while out checking on plants growing in containers.

This morning on my way home from class, I took a few minutes to stop by Swan Lake. The Wood Duck is still around and though it seems to be travelling to Indian River estuary with Mallards in the evenings, it was on the peninsula. It seems to have adapted to the human traffic at the lake (though when I’ve seen it at the park, it has seemed more wary). As a result, I was able to get about as close to it as the rest of the Mallards that frequent the lake.. I took several pictures and a poor video (a tripod would have helped). It seems to be feeling the spring season, as I’ve noticed it displaying, acting aggressive towards drake Mallards, and sidling up to at least one of the female Mallards. I’m not sure if his fancy good looks are appealing to her, but he keeps trying.

(pictures to come)

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