Swan Lake Fog

Fog this morning gave way to partly sunny skies by noon. It seemed as though the fog had lifted and gone completely, though I was not really a position where I could observe a wider area. By mid-afternoon (2:30-3pm) fog had moved back in. Leaving the middle school there was some fog around, but I … Read more

Half-alseep Northern Shoveler

A Northern Shoveler was at Swan Lake last week. They only occasionally are seen here in the winter, so it’s getting a bit late for one to be around. This one seemed fairly unafraid of Rowan’s and my presence, as it came close to the peninsula while we were there. A few feet off the … Read more


I took these cloud pictures last Monday in part because of the interesting fine textures – I assume these tell me something about the winds, but I’m not sure what Overnight the clouds moved back in. I looked outside this morning to see overcast gray. Temperatures were up to 40 or more, but the frost … Read more

Kamenoi Beach

On this second (and final) weekend of my dad’s visit up here, we all had the opportunity to go with a friend to Kruzof Island. Rowan and I planned to sit on the beach and relax while the others went hunting. It was a nice sunny day, and the boat ride out was largely uneventful, … Read more

Continuing Sun

Sunny and calm weather continued. Frost has really built up in the shady areas, but air temperatures are not especially cold during the day. Although my day was fairly full, I did take a few minutes between lunch and the class at the Middle School to ride by where the mockingbird has been hanging out. … Read more

Late Fall Birds

Another sunny day with heavy frost but not overly cold overnight temperatures warming to around 40 during the day. A little before lunch Rowan went to check the mail and mentioned when she got back that she wished she had taken her camera (the mailbox is across the street). She said a different bird had … Read more