Banded Dark-eyed Junco

Banded Dark-eyed Junco with Left leg Red over Black and Right leg Aluminum over White; it’s been reported only four times since it was first banded, the most recent before this week was back on 25 March 2013. Over the past couple of weeks, the number of juncos visiting the bird food in our yard … Read more

Mountain Ice and Yard Birds

I considered going back out to look at the landslide again this afternoon, but ultimately decided to just take care of some errands and then go home. While running the errands, I noticed conditions seemed better for seeing the exposed alpine glaciers/ice than they had been earlier in the week, (though looking back at those … Read more

Starrigavan Landslide

I was curious about the Starrigavan valley landslide, so this past Wednesday morning my kids and I went out to see what we could see. We were not the only ones, as we passed another father with kids and a couple with a dog both coming back. I noticed an aerial photo posted on the … Read more

Early Fall Young Growth

On a walk up Starrigavan Valley yesterday, I was struck by the contrasting greens of the red alder (Alnus rubra), spruce (Picea sitchensis), hemlock (Tsuga heterophylla) trees that comprise the young forest growing after early 70s clear cuts in the valley.

Starrigavan Valley and an Intense Sunset

Today’s excitement consisted of a walk up Starrigavan Valley to see the recent landslide. All of today’s pictures come from that trip, but I think it deserves it’s own post, so I’ll only comment generally in this one. In a nutshell, an impressive amount of material was moved down the valley, including a substantial log … Read more

Beautiful Fall Day

Fall has come in with at least a day of nice weather. Although I didn’t get to spend much time out in the warm sun, I did appreciate that unique feeling of summer warmth and sun lingering into the fall season, despite the obviously shorter days and lower angle of light, even at midday. I … Read more