Site icon Sitka Nature

Fall Firsts

Sunset clouds from a couple days ago.

The first fall gale arrived today. Seas are up to over 17 feet out at the buoy with winds over 30 kts and gusts over 40 kts. Winds haven’t been so strong in town, but it has been some time since it has been this windy. (Now I’m curious, so I’ll see if I can check the weather records and see when it was.) This system does not really seem to be carrying any colder temperatures with it, at least not so far, as today it was still up to 60F (and mid-50s as the clock winds down to midnight).

I heard lots of boats were delivering at the processors today in order to get off the water before the winds kicked up the waves. The gulls in the channel were numerous. I took a quick look, but didn’t see anything that looked unusual to me.

Connor spotted the first banded junco of the season. I was able to get a good enough look at it to see the bands, a single red band on its left leg with an aluminum band on its right leg. This was one of the first birds we banded at my house in 2012 (several of them had this band combination). It’s nice to see at least one of them has survived so far.

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