First and Last Light on Peak 4900

Back in early February over a couple of days I happened to take morning and evening pictures from similar locations of the unnamed 4900+ foot peak that rises behind the Sisters (and perhaps historically has been considered one of them). I thought it was interesting to notice the differences in where shadows fall as well as the color/quality of the light reflecting off the snow.

First light – Sunrise Alpenglow

Last light – Sunset Alpenglow

4 thoughts on “First and Last Light on Peak 4900”

  1. Hi Matt,
    here is a bit of information on peak 4900. I have climbed to the top of this peak back in 1990. It took two previous attempts to gain its summit.. First Attempt with Bill Coltharp around 1985 . We rafted to the first valley on left on Blue Lake and made our way to the head of the valley where there is a couloir (Coltharp Couloir) that rises roughly a thousand feet to get to the ridge between Clarence Kramer and the unnamed 4900. We made it to the ridge using crampons and ice axes only to be stuck in a whiteout. We down climbed without really knowing if this was in fact the way to get to the summit. A year later we tried the last valley on the left of blue lake and that was promising but weather again stopped us at head of valley.
    Finally figured out in1990 that the key to summiting was in fact the rout up the Coltharp Couloir. I summited with Jim Digenaro and Zole Barabas I packed my skies up and skied a couple of runs on the permanent snowfield that is on the upper portion of the mountain.
    As far as I know at that point in time I could not find anyone who has climbed or knew anyone who has climbed this mountain before. I am pretty sure I am the only one to ski this mountain and a attempted ski down the Coltharp couloir. My friends were calling it Evans Peak but I said you have to wait until I die to change the name.
    Since 1990 I know it was climbed again one more time by Paul grow and Roland worth they summited via the last valley on left Blue lake.

  2. Thanks Dan! I’ve been thinking it would be nice to start collecting stories of the attempts (and completions) of various routes and up, down, and around Baranof Island. I knew you had been up there, but wasn’t aware that it took multiple attempts (going to make a 25 year anniversary attempt next year?). I suspect in the old days peak 4900 was considered one of the Sisters, but for some reason I’ve not tended to think of it as such. I guess “the Big Sister” might be apt, however.

  3. Matt,
    I am in the process of switching my website to wordpress. I like the idea you have here and I would roughly do the same but I will be trying to sell pictures. I really like the blog idea. I would like to pick your brain a bit on that. Like to get together sometime

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