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Starrigavan Birding

This entry is part 34 of 133 in the series 2011 Photojournal

[Work and visiting with family have taken up a lot of time the past few days, so I’m having trouble keeping up with these posts – as a result they’ll probably be brief and posted, but back dated, later than I prefer.]

We made it out to Starrigavan today to enjoy the sun and do a little birding for the Great Backyard Birdcount. The kids, my dad, and I walked around the Forest and Muskeg Trail, the Estuary Loop, and then out along the shore for a short distance of the Mosquito Cove Trail. Winds seemed to be mostly out of the North, so the shoreline near the start of Mosquito Cove was quite pleasant with its exposure to the midday sun and protection from the cold breeze. I was able to spot a Gadwall, which was a species that seemed to have been otherwise unreported on the count.

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