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Red Bluff Bay Day 3 – Exploring the Bluffs

[Text entry written well after the trip based on incomplete memories]

Kitty and I spent the day exploring the red bluffs a bit more than we had a chance to the first day. The ultramafic rock does not support soil development, so the plants that can tolerate the mineral mix tend to grow fairly stunted. The red color of the rock with sparse and stunted vegetation reminded me more of a desert, especially with the bright sun. Of course, it was just a pocket of that. The wide, blue waters of Chatham Strait stretched out to the east, with snow covered peaks rising in the distance beyond that.

Highlights today included grasshoppers and jumping spiders.

This evening we decided to head back up the bluffs and spend the night [though as I write this some years later, I don’t remember why I wanted to do that].

My iNaturalist Observations for Today

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