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WR: Night Seventeen

After looking for the first few hours and only finding some faint River Otter chirps, I thought last night’s recordings would end up being pretty quiet. However, I was excited to find the clearest recording I’ve yet had of what I believe to be a Western Screech Owl. That was a nice highlight for an otherwise quiet night (well, quiet, but for the persistent rain). Presusmed Western Screech Owl: These are not the typical ‘bouncing-ball’ calls of the Western Screech Owl, though at the very end of the clip one can be heard faintly. At about 1:30 into the recording, there is a loud, but brief, call from a Bald Eagle. It sounds almost as though the eagle was disturbed by the owl. The owl continued with similar calls for another couple of minutes. I clipped most of these for space considerations, though I did put in the last call with the faint bouncing-ball call. Download Presumed Western Screech Owl Squirrel Chattering: Listening to this squirrel chattering made me wonder how they can put out so much sound for a sustained period from such a small set of lungs, apparently without breathing. Download Red Squirrel

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