Indian River Valley matt goff 16 years ago This entry is part 85 of 143 in the series 2008 Photojournal [Show slideshow] Blooming Three-leaf Goldthread (Coptis trifolia) I think this is a fairly common forest fly, but it's possible (likely?) there is more than one species. Thrush eggshell on forest floor. Chamisso's Cottongrass (Eriophorum chamissonis) in bloom. This seems to be a species in the genus Polyporus. It was growing on elderberry, but similar ones were growing on alder nearby. This seems to be a species in the genus Polyporus. It was growing on elderberry, but similar ones were growing on alder nearby. Sitka Mistmaiden (Romanzoffia sitchensis) in bloom. Scapania sp Bog Beacon (Mitrula elegans) Marsh Violet (Viola epipsila) Marsh Violet (Viola epipsila) Series NavigationSwan Lake ShoreIndian RiverShare this: