Daily Observations

Weather: Overcast this morning, but clearing skies by mid-morning. Clear this evening. Light wind out of the Northwest. Temperatures near 60. I noticed there is still a lot of snow even near Picnic Rock.

Birds: At Swan Lake there were 2 Gadwall, 2 scaups, 3 or 4 American Wigeons, several Mallards, including a pair with ducklings, and Savannah Sparrows. I also noticed quite a few Tree Swallows and at least one that I think was a Barn Swallow.

At Totem Park out from the river mouth were 3 Bufflehead, 20 or so scaups, 10 or more Surf Scoters, a Red-breasted Merganser, some gulls (Mew and Glaucous-winged, at least) and a Caspian Tern. I also heard a Northern Flicker across the way. On the beach were 11 Whimbrels, a dozen Northern Shovlers, many Savannah Sparrows, 3 Green-winged Teal, and 2 Spotted Sandpipers.

Flora: Red Elderberry is starting to bloom along Lincoln Street. The Alaska Violets [actually Marsh violets] growing in the neighbor’s lawn were also blooming.

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