Daily Observations: Sage Beach at High Tide

Connor and I went to pick up Rowan from preschool today and made a brief stop and Swan Lake after we got her. There was a pretty high tide today, so I took a walk down to Totem Park early this afternoon to check it out.

Weather: It was raining and windy for much of the day.

Birds: We saw the Pied-billed Grebe right near the inflow of Swan Lake. The Cackling Goose and Coots were also still there.

At Sage Rock, I saw quite a few shorebirds, presumably Black Turnstones and maybe Surfbirds. I did not check carefully when I was on my way to the park, and on the way back, the birds were gone.

At the park I got three glimpses of a bird that I think was a small raptor. My guess is that it was a Merlin. Each time I saw it just after it took off and flew further up the trail. The first time I saw it was where the trail passes nearest the beach as it approaches the battlesite bench. The last time was off to the side in the woods near the domestic apple tree (which I had not previously noted).

There were quite a few gulls along the shoreline, but mostly they were flying in the wind and sitting on the water, as there was not much beach available with the high tide.

There were Mallards in the estuary, and I heard some Golden-crowned Kinglets.

Other Notes: I saw at least one seal near the shore at the park, and probably two. One was so close, right near the battlesite bench, and it seemed to be curious about me. It made me consider the possibility that seals come up along the shore to people watch like we watch them.

Photos were taken at Sage Beach on one of the highest tides of the year. It was predicted to be 12.39 feet. Tomorrow’s is actually slightly higher at 12.56. Tomorrow must also be one of the largest tide differentials, as the following low tide is -2.75 feet.

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