Daily Observations: Swan Lake, Eliason Harbor, Totem Park

View from Totem Park

I dropped Connor off at school this morning then picked him up this afternoon. He and I went down to Thompson Harbor to see if any birds were around there. Prior to getting him from school, I took a quick walk through Totem Park.

Weather: It was rainy and windy this morning, with several breaks in the clouds (sunshine, though still breezy) this afternoon.

Birds: The Cackling Goose and two Greater White-fronted Geese were still at Swan Lake. I did not see any ducks other than Mallards.

At Totem Park there were 3-4 Northern Pintails, 4 Green-winged Teal, 8 American Wigeons and quite a few Mallards in the estuary. I did not see the flock of teal and shovelers that was there yesterday.

There were quite a few gulls around, but in the quick look I took (all I had time for), I did not notice anything unusual. It’s interesting to watch the river just up from the estuary, as the gulls almost seem to treat it like a water park ride. They float down the river and, at a certain point at the upper part of the estuary, they take off and fly back upstream again.

I saw a Winter Wren along the trail.

Other Notes:

I took a look at Indian River after dropping Connor off at school. The water was lower than I expected. At the Sawmill Creek Road bridge, the willows and alders were still well above water. When I checked back later before picking Connor up, it was up 1-2 feet higher, with the base of the willows and alders were under a bit of water.

One of the presumed tomato plants appears to have been stepped on or something, as it no longer appears viable. The other one had a flower open on it today (click on thumbnail below to see). There’s supposed to be an 11+ feet high tide in the next day or so, and I’m not sure, but I think that will be high enough to soak this plant. With the wave action that’s been there lately, it will probably be gone if the tide does get that high.
Tomato Plant Flower

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