Daily Observations: Fungi and Gulls

The forecast was for wet and windy weather, but when it hadn’t arrived by late this morning, I decided to get down to the park before it got wet. Connor and Rowan joined me and collected some rather large sticks (cut lumber in Rowan’s case) they were carrying home. Rowan noticed that dragging her 2×2 … Read more

Slaty-backed Gull (age? more than one?)

Slaty-backed Gull with Glaucous-winged, Herring, and Thayer’s Gulls all nearby. Today I saw a very dark mantled gull that I am reasonably confident is a Slaty-backed Gull. The heavily streaked head with quite pale eyes and pink legs seem to leave no other alternative, as far as I can tell. Gulls of the Americas suggests … Read more