Daily Observations

Connor, Rowan, and I went for a walk to Totem Park today. Weather: Overcast, but pleasant. No real rain, and winds were minimal. Birds: There were quite a few birds around the neighborhood this morning, including Chestnut-backed Chickadees, Orange-crowned Warblers, Ruby-crowned Kinglets, Hermit Thrushes, American Robins, Townsend’s Warblers, and probably Wilson’s Warblers. The birds were … Read more

Daily Observations

Connor got a gift card for McDonalds for his birthday, so we borrowed a friend’s car and while we had it, also took a family hike along the Forest and Muskeg Trail and Estuary Life Trail out at Starrigavan. Weather: This afternoon it was overcast, with a few breaks in the clouds. It rained a … Read more

Daily Observations

Melissa joined Connor, Rowan, and I on a walk down to Totem Park last night. Today I didn’t get out much, but did take a look around the neighborhood briefly. Weather: It was sunny and breezy today. Clouds were once again hanging over the mountains. Today it was overcast with a little bit of rain. … Read more

Daily Observations

Connor and Rowan went with me to Totem Park this evening for a walk along the beach. Weather: There were some mighty looking clouds over the mountains this evening, but they seemed to be moving off or dissipating, as skies remained clear over town and the ocean, with the clouds gradually leaving the mountains as … Read more