Daily Observations

I went for a walk this afternoon and did not make it nearly as far as I intended. Originally I was planning to go up to the muskegs along Indian River Trail and/or the Cross Trail. In the end, I just made it to Indian River Trailhead. I spent about 4 hours wandering up Indian … Read more

Along Indian River

Daily Observations

I went on a relatively quick hike up to Picnic Rock this morning to retrieve my memory card and battery that I left up there yesterday. Fortunately they were right where I thought I had left them (when I realized that I had left them, which wasn’t until I got home). The other time I … Read more

Daily Observations

I spent a few hours today on a hike up Verstovia. Weather: Broken clouds started at about 800 feet. Winds were fairly calm and the temperature was in the upper 50s. There was some rain. Birds: It was a pretty interesting day for birds on the mountain. There were several families with young that I … Read more