Daily Observations

We took the birding class out to Starrigavan for today’s walk. The weather was quite pleasant for a February day. Weather: Partly cloudy skies with pretty calm winds and temperatures in the upper 30s or so. Without any breeze, the sun felt quite warm. Birds: Driving by Swan Lake, I noticed several Ring-necked Ducks and … Read more

7 February Photos: Clouds

I just took a couple of pictures of a cloud formation today. I am curious about the formations, it seems like I should be able to infer some things from the clouds, but I’ve not looked into that too much. After I get things settled in a bit more with living creatures, I’m going to … Read more

Daily Observations

It’s been a busy few days, with not much time spent outside. I did get to go for a short boat ride out to Eastern Channel then back through Crescent Bay and out a little past the runway. Weather: Monday was sunny and decently warm (for this time of year) with calm winds. If it … Read more

Mystery Alcid

I’m pretty sure this is an alcid, but I can’t figure out what it is. I saw it twice this afternoon between Crescent Harbor and the end of the runway. Looking at the beak, it seems most like a Rhinocerous Auklet, but the white at the front of the wing seems out of place. I … Read more