It’s definitely getting on toward winter. Yesterday when I went on a birdwalk around 8am, it was still pretty dim light. The snow has been dropping down on the mountains as well. I’m sure there are things to see out there, but it’s getting hard to find the motivation to head out into the chilly winds and rain.
Weather: It’s been pretty blustery the last few days with some strong winds and heavy rain, though each day has seen a spot or two of sunshine as well. Today I saw a flash of lightning and heard the thunder. There was also some hail. The snow level dropped below 2500 feet today.
Birds: Yesterday the birding seminar folks went for a walk in the morning. There were several Mallards in the flume near the road behind Rasmusson. There were more Common Mergansers than I had seen previously, with several up in the river. Out on the flats near the river mouth, there were probably around 40 Green-winged Teal. A couple of Buffleheads were near Sage Beach.
Later in the day Tuesday, I observed a Golden-crowned Sparrow near the Business Office building.