Site icon Sitka Nature

Daily Observations


Weather:  Overcast with rain.

Birds:  This morning I saw a hummingbird at the foxglove flowers in the back yard.  It hung around for awhile, but seemed to be camera shy and disappeared shortly after I went out to try and get a picture.

Later in the day I saw a woodpecker (Hairy or Downy) in the back yard as well.  The sight of it made me realize that I have not seen many Red-breasted Sapsuckers this summer.  It seems like in the last couple of years there have been more of them, so I am not sure whether I’m just not in the right place at the right time this year, or if there fewer of them.  Perhaps the cold in March caused the population to decrease.

Another potential problem for some birds is the poor berry crop.  I’m not sure what the berry eating birds will do this year for food.  Perhaps they will see a significant mortality on migration this year.

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