Site icon Sitka Nature

Daily Observations


My parents left today, so we borrowed a car to take them to the airport.  We took advantage of the mobility to run a couple of errands.  While out running errands I took a look at the Turnaround and Swan Lake for birds.

Weather:  The rain has returned.  There was moderate-heavy rain through the morning and early afternoon.  The rain let for awhile this afternoon and the sun even shown briefly before periods of rain for the rest of the day.

Birds:  I did not see any shorebirds at the Turnaround, though there were plenty of gulls.  Included in the mix of gulls was a juvenile Bonaparte’s Gull.  I was able to get a picture of it (see above), but not as good as I might have liked.  The pouring rain and lack of boots sort of inhibited my attempts.

I think there was also a young of the year Mew Gull there, though I am less certain about that.

At Swan Lake, in addition to the abundant Mallards, I saw the male Green-winged Teal I observed yesterday.  I also Confirmed the American Wigeon I thought I saw yesterday, and was able to get a photo of what I believe is a Lesser Yellowlegs.  If this is correct, it would be the first photo I have managed to get of this bird (as far as I know, anyway).

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