Singing Song Sparrow (Melospiza melodia)
Before I even got out of bed this morning, I heard a Northern Flicker calling. I first heard it in the distance, but it seemed to be moving gradually closer. I was flying from one tree to the next, stopping to make its “kwikwikwikwi” call for a few seconds before moving on. I imagine it was proclaiming the boundaries of its territory. Before long it sounded like it was in a tree right outside my window. I listened to it and thought about getting up to go outside and see if I could see it. I few moments later I did get out of bed to look out the window when I heard the rapid drumming that sounded like it was actually being done on the house. Unfortunately, I was not able to see the bird and the drumming did not last for long. Soon I heard the calls coming from trees on the other side of the house from the direction it came.
When I started out on my walk this morning, I could hear at least a couple of different juncos making their trilling call. I was unable to locate them, as I could not quite place where the sounds were coming from.
I did not see the heron that has been hanging out near the flume nor any dippers when I walked by the falls.
When I got down to Sage beach, I saw a good gathering of male and female Buffleheads (Bucephala albeola) as well as a male and two female Barrow’s Goldeneyes (B. islandica). As I approached the beach, the Buffleheads flew off and the Goldeneyes swam a little further out. I decided to sit and wait to see if the Goldeneyes would come in closer so I could get some pictures. While I was waiting, I observed a starling sitting under a small spruce tree. I do not know what it is was doing there, but it eventually flew over to a small patch of trees further down the beach. There were also at least two song sparrows that seemed to be engaged. They did not appear to be fighting, but I am not sure what they were doing.
After the Buffleheads and Goldeneyes had flown or swam away and I had flushed a few Mallards as I made my way down the beach (I am not so good at noticing those birds when I am not expecting them), I cut up to Lincoln Street to make better time getting to the Park. Along the way, I stopped to watch a Song Sparrow sing. It was singing on a perch that I seem to recall having seen a Song Sparrow on previously. Perhaps it is the same bird.
On my way home, I noticed a small flock of Juncos feeding in the salmonberry thicket near the large spruce tree.