January 5th

Daily Observations

January 5, 2008

Sunday: I went for walk around Totem Park this afternoon. Weather: Snow fell for much of the morning into the early afternoon, but there was partial clearing later. It was fairly calm in Crescent Bay, though there appeared to be a bit of chop on the water out toward Eastern Channel. Birds: Birds I saw

5 January Photos: Rusty Menziesia

January 5, 2008

Neighborhood Tracks

January 5, 2009

A an inch or so of fresh snow made for some nice tracks.

Walk through Totem Park

January 5, 2011

The kids and I walked a loop from the house down to Lincoln Street around Totem Park, then along the river to Sawmill Creek Road, over to the new house and then back home. We had a nice break in the clouds at the start of our walk, but overall it was generally overcast. There

Mostly Clear Skies

January 5, 2012

For the first time in what seems like weeks, it skies were more clear than not. We didn’t do too much outside, but did take a short walk up the lower part of Gavan Trail. An Anna’s Hummingbird was visiting the feeder periodically – I hoped to get pictures, but didn’t manage to catch it

Raven Radio Show #44 – Erin and Hig from Ground Truth Trekking

January 5, 2014

Download Radio Show The 5 January show featured a conversation with Erin and Hig of Groundtruth Trekking. They were in town last October promoting Erin’s latest book Small Feet, Big Land: Adventure, Home, and Family on the Edge of Alaska. If you have questions or observations you want to share, please feel free to leave

Wood Duck Drake

January 5, 2015

Yesterday’s most unusual sighting of a previously unreported bird was definitely the Wood Duck seen by F. Tomkins. After a couple tries today, it was refound and I was able to get a photo in the fading light. For those in Sitka, it was seen yesterday and again today on the slow deeper water immediately

Count Week Birding

January 5, 2015

One of the things that is fun to do in the days after Christmas bird count is go look for species that I expect (or know) are around but for whatever reasons did not get reported (as far as I know) on the day of the count. I had some further motivation to get out

Sunset Color

January 5, 2016

As the sun was setting this afternoon, the sky became too colorful to ignore, so I spent a little time enjoying the fire-tinged clouds from my house.

Afternoon Walk and Sunset over Sitka Sound

Afternoon Walk and Sunset over Sitka Sound

January 5, 2017

Continuing the pattern of recent days, I ventured out after lunch to see what I could find. Today’s hoped for species were Bohemian Waxwings and a White-throated Sparrow.  I decided to walk up the Baranof Street connector to the Cross Trail to the Phearson Street trailhead, check out the neighborhoods there, and then head downtown

Sitka Nature Show #201 – Marge Ward (encore)

Sitka Nature Show #201 – Marge Ward (encore)

January 5, 2020

Download Radio Show The January 5th show featured a conversation with Marge Ward, originally recorded back in 2012. Marge passed away just before the new year at the age of 94, not long after the 70 year anniversary of her arrival in Sitka. This show aired the same day as a memorial gathering for her.

Sunny (and cold) Sunday

Sunny (and cold) Sunday

January 5, 2020

Today’s forecast bore out with, clear skies and chilly temperatures (though mercifully, not much wind). I had a meeting about the Crescent Harbor MMO work this morning, and the memorial for Marge Ward this afternoon, so I was not tempted to try getting out for a longer excursion. I did make a trip over to

Monochrome Sort of Day

Monochrome Sort of Day

January 5, 2021

It was a very dim day, with heavy clouds and strong winds. Gusts at the airport peaked at 52mph early this afternoon. Out at the buoy the peak was nearly 70mph, and seas got up to at least 28ft.

Birds on a Gray January Day

Birds on a Gray January Day

January 5, 2023

Overcast with light to moderate winds. Temperatures in the 40s. I didn’t spend much time outside today. Just made a round of checking for birds this afternoon. As the light was fading, I moved a car which meant a walk around Japonski Island. Before heading out, I paused to watch the junco flock feeding in

Birds at the Channel and Swan Lake

Birds at the Channel and Swan Lake

January 5, 2025

Overcast. Temperatures into the 40s. Calm to light winds (at least while I was out). Outside time was limited for me today. It included a drive with stops at the Channel and Swan Lake. The snow has mostly melted around town. I wouldn’t be surprised if some remains out the road, though. The channel had