January 18th

18 January Photos: Swan Lake Birds

January 18, 2007

Warm Temperatures

January 18, 2009

This afternoon the temperature started rising, increasing to over 50 degrees this evening. When I went out around 3, there was a bit of wind, and I found it interesting that the gusts were sometimes warm, sometimes cool. I guessed that a warmer air mass had moved in to the area, at first forming a

Clouds and Bryophyte

January 18, 2009

Pictures from Sage Beach.

Observations and Photo

January 18, 2011

I took today’s photo to document the cliffs on Mt. Verstovia. Last Saturday the kids and I hiked to the cliffs that can be seen as white patches in the trees just above the valley clouds/fog towards the left edge of the photo. (I still remember looking out the window in Mrs. McCarthy’s fifth grade

Purple Monkey Flower (Mimulus lewisii)

January 18, 2012

Purple Monkey Flower (Mimulus lewisii) Purple Monkey Flower (Mimulus lewisii) is a plant with showy pink flowers that ranges from California to British Columbia and Southeast Alaska, over into the Rocky Mountains. I was excited to see this plant for the first time back in 2008 when I was doing some work in the Blue

Herring Cove Trail Hike

January 18, 2014

I’ve been thinking it’s time to update my Sitka Trails site. It’s hard to be believe that it’s been so long it doesn’t even have the Herring Cove trail in there. I had also heard that the recent rain event had hit the trail pretty hard, and I thought it would be interesting to see

Biofilm(?) on Cut end of Log

January 18, 2015

When trees fall across maintained trails, it doesn’t usually take long for someone to come along and cut through them to clear the trail. I think I started noticing the stuff accumulating at the downhill ends of these maybe 20 years ago. (I hadn’t thought about it in a long time, but I think my

Raven Radio Show #71 – Kitty LaBounty

January 18, 2015

Download Radio Show The 18 January show featured a conversation with Kitty LaBounty. We talked about results of the recent Christmas Bird Count and upcoming seminars in the Natural History Seminar series she coordinates. If you have questions or observations you want to share, please feel free to leave a comment here or on the

Mt. Edgecumbe from Verstovia Trail

January 18, 2016

Picture from an afternoon hike up to the first viewpoint on Verstovia Trail.

Busy and Gray

Busy and Gray

January 18, 2017

After yesterday’s break in the weather, gray skies returned. I did not have time for any observations before calls for work started. By the time I was done with them, I was pushing for daylight to get my three observations for the day. I needed to go to UAS to do a tech check for

Winter Sunset

Winter Sunset

January 18, 2019

Most of the late fall and winter (so far) has been poor for chasing the green flash, but things have been a bit better this month. As the sun was dropping low this afternoon, it looked like skies were clearing in the southwest, so I decided to make a trip down to the bridge in

Dim January Day

Dim January Day

January 18, 2021

It felt as though it was getting dark before it really got light today, with heavy clouds bringing rain throughout much of the day (including some heavy showers this evening). The forecast was for gusts to 60mph, but I did not notice anything that seemed too strong hitting house. Since the airport did have at least one gust that topped 50mph, and more that were over 40mph, I think the wind direction was such that my house was in a bit of a wind shadow.

Lichens and Liverworts

Lichens and Liverworts

January 18, 2023

Mostly cloudy with a bit of sun this morning, becoming overcast with some rain this afternoon. High tide was this morning. I thought I might want to visit Magic Island or elsewhere along the shoreline. Instead of heading out when I was tempted by the nice light this morning, I waited until after lunch. On

Sawmill Cove Observing and Gull Questions

Sawmill Cove Observing and Gull Questions

January 18, 2025

Overcast and calm. Temperatures in the upper 30s and low 40s. Very light rain fell occasionally. I thought it would be my last day observing, but it didn’t worked out that way. Difficulty with the pile driving stretched out today’s activities long enough that they didn’t have time to complete splicing the last section before