January 17th


January 17, 2012

Continuing Cold

January 17, 2012

The weather remained quiet chilly. The low temperature early this morning did appear to break the record low for the day at 6F (previously 8F). Although there have been strong winds elsewhere, it’s been relatively calm right in town – which has certainly been nice. Out on the water in some places there are white

55F on a January evening is not unprecedented, but…

January 17, 2014

55F on a January evening is not unprecedented, but it’s certainly more typical of mid-summer than mid-winter. I’ll enjoy it while it lasts.


January 17, 2014

The cloud formations caught my eye today. They weren’t especially dramatic, but I did enjoy looking at them. I’m not sure what kind they were, perhaps alto stratus breaking into alto cumulus? Maybe it’s time to learn my cloud types better.

Gulls and a Sea Star

January 17, 2015

On a trip to Magic Island last February, I noticed a young gull working on a small sunstar (Pycnopodia helianthoides). It didn’t seem too excited about it, but picked at the legs, and then didn’t seem too excited about eating them. At one point an adult gull came over and checked out what was going

Sitka Nature Show #228 – Catie Bursch (encore)

Sitka Nature Show #228 – Catie Bursch (encore)

January 17, 2021

Download Radio Show The January 17th show featured a conversation with Catie Bursch. Recorded and originally aired February 2016, we spoke about plankton and her involvement in a citizen science project focused on plankton monitoring with the purpose of detecting harmful algal blooms in in Kachemak Bay. If you have questions or observations you want

Rainy Day Bright Spots

Rainy Day Bright Spots

January 17, 2023

Cloudy and breezy with periods of rain. Temperatures in the 40s, dropping to high 30s this evening. This afternoon I went for a walk around Totem Park. Had I left earlier, I could have avoided some rain. I checked out where a large spruce had been cut down between Oja and Etolin Streets. It’s changed

Sunrise and Mosses at Sawmill Cove

Sunrise and Mosses at Sawmill Cove

January 17, 2025

Mostly cloudy to overcast. Some rain in the afternoon. I was at Sawmill Cove before 8am. I decided to watch from near the mouth of Sawmill Creek to start the day. The sunrise did create some color in the sky, which I enjoyed watching change over the 30 minutes or so before the sun was