January 16th
16 January Photos: Birding and a Break in the Clouds
January 16, 2007
This morning I stopped by Swan Lake, Marge and Tedin’s feeders, and Eliason Harbor to see what birds might be about.
Yard Birds
January 16, 2007
As I sat on the step at Marge and Tedin’s house and watched the birds (mostly Pine Siskins and Common Redpolls), they seemed to get fairly comfortable with me. The Pine Siskins were the first to get close, but eventually some Common Redpolls also seemed to loose their concern. Several birds came within inches of
Daily Observations
January 16, 2007
I took advantage of no scheduled morning classes today and went to Marge and Tedin’s again to look for Hoary Redpolls. I stopped by Swan Lake on the way and then walked New Thompson Harbor on the way back. Weather: After yesterday’s warm temperatures, wind and rain, I was not expecting to see fresh snow
Sunset Trip to the Beach
January 16, 2009
The kids and I took a walk down to the beach around sunset.
Twitter Weekly Updates for 2011-01-16
January 16, 2011
Visiting the lower Verstovia cliffs – kids very impressed with massive icicles. #
Gallery: 20110116 – Sea Mart Sunset
January 16, 2011
There have been some spectacularly colorful sunsets this winter (as is true many winters – now that I think of it), but the one today was much more subdued. Although the location where it drops below the horizon is moving north again, it’s still well in the south. Mt. Edgecumbe is approximately west of town,
Weather Quiz
January 16, 2012
Part 1: During which month of the year is Sitka least likely to have a clear day? During which month of the year is Sitka most likely to have a clear day? What about Clear/Mostly Sunny days? Part 2: During which month of the year is Sitka least likely to have a day without precipitation?
Sunset and Stars
January 16, 2012
Another clear day and night. As I write this, temperatures have dropped to 8F after reaching a high of only 14F. It seems unlikely we’ll reach a record low for this date (7F in 1971), but perhaps we’ll match or break the record low for tomorrow (8F in 1969) before temperatures warm up for the
Indian River Song Sparrow
January 16, 2015
Song Sparrows are not an uncommon bird around Sitka. Although they are present throughout the year, it’s not clear how many (if any) individuals are actually present year-round. It seems like pretty much any area along the road system with a sufficient amount of brushy vegetation will host at least one Song Sparrow. They are

Indian River Valley
January 16, 2019
I took Rowan with me today to take care of the ibuttons up Indian River valley, but decided to check the waters out by the Industrial Park first since there had been a report of a Thick-billed Murre near Sawmill Cove. Thick-billed Murre is an unusual species to be seen close to town (though they

Sitka Nature Show #254 – Josh Lane (encore)
January 16, 2022
Download Radio Show The January 16th show featured a conversation with Josh Lane, author of Conscious Nature: The Art and Neuroscience of Meditation in Nature. This conversation was originally recorded and aired in March 2020. Learn more about Josh’s work at his website If you have questions or observations you want to share, please feel

Wildlife Out the Road (Early Signs of Herring Season?)
January 16, 2023
Overcast without much rain (at least that I noticed). Fog early, but lifting by late morning. Fairly calm. Temperatures in the low 40s. After a mild start to the year, the forecast is calling for stormy weather late this week. Temperatures associated with that are predicted to be in the mid 40s. Although it’s been

Full Day
January 16, 2025
Mostly sunny, becoming overcast late in the day. Frosty morning, with temperatures into the upper 30s. Calm winds. I had late notice last night of an early morning today. I was out at Sawmill Cove shortly before 8am. Broken low clouds skirted the mountain slopes, but clear skies held on up high. I could see