January 14th

Daily Observations

January 14, 2007

I made a trip out to Starrigavan late this morning in hopes of getting some decent photos of the Black Oystercatchers that have been out there recently. There were not many people there when I showed up, but by the time I left a little over an hour later, there were quite a few more

Recent Birds of Interest

January 14, 2007

In the last few days, I have seen three different birds that are not commonly seen around Sitka during the winter. Tuesday I saw a female Northern Pintail at Swan Lake. Later in the week I saw one at Starrigavan which is probably the same one that had been at Swan Lake. Also on Tuesday

Unidentified Raptor

January 14, 2007

Given the poor quality of the photos, this may be a hopeless cause. I figured it was worth a shot though. At worst, maybe I can narrow the possibilities down a little bit and learn something in the process. The two photos I got were both blurry and from some distance, but they do give

14 January Photos: A Walk Across the Bridge

January 14, 2008

West Fork of Indian River

January 14, 2009

Pictures from a hike up the West Fork of Indian River

Gallery: 20100114 January Scenes

January 14, 2010


January 14, 2011

A layer of stratus clouds was well-positioned to catch the light of the setting sun, resulting in a very colorful sunset.

Twitter Weekly Updates for 2012-01-14

January 14, 2012

DEJU moving in treetops again as light beginning to fade a bit after 3. Flock moved off to NE. ANHU stopped by while I watched juncos. # Light is dimming fast with a snow shower moving through as the sun sets. Once again the juncos are moving through the trees toward NE. #

Heavy Rain and High Water

January 14, 2014

With heavy rain falling overnight and throughout today, I thought it would be interesting to check out different places around town. In addition to all the photos, I also shot a brief video of Indian River from just below the Sawmill Creek Road bridge.

Crows and Oystercatchers

January 14, 2015

This time of year is a good one to see Black Oystercatchers and Northwestern Crows down at the beach during low tides. Although they look very different in good viewing conditions, their similar size and color can make them hard to distinguish when viewed from a distance. At moderate distance in good light it’s still

Continuing Cold

Continuing Cold

January 14, 2020

The forecast continues to hold, and we saw another cold day. Tonight’s low is forecast to be 9F, which probably means significnatly colder here at my house. I’ll try to make time to check before going to class in the morning. It seems like during these sorts of cold spells, frost is often not so

Stormy Day Birding

Stormy Day Birding

January 14, 2021

[Previously unpublished photojournal entry from mid-January 2021] I was up early (for me) today to meet Amy C. who was in town for the day and interested in doing some birding in the free time she had this morning.

Afternoon Light at the Channel

Afternoon Light at the Channel

January 14, 2023

Overcast with occasional rain. Light winds. I didn’t do much outside today. It was a quick check of a couple feeding stations. I’ve run out of food, so haven’t been able to replenish lately. Probably as a result, there’s been less activity on my recent visits. I made a brief stop at Sandy Beach. The

Sitka Nature Show #306 – Joanna Young (encore)

Sitka Nature Show #306 – Joanna Young (encore)

January 14, 2024

Download Radio Show The January 14th show featured a conversation with glaciologist Joanna Young, who studies the effects of retreating glaciers on watersheds downstream. Originally recorded and aired in October 2022, we spoke about glaciers, and her work with Girls on Ice Alaska. If you have questions or observations you want to share, please feel

Slowing Down at Sawmill Cove

Slowing Down at Sawmill Cove

January 14, 2025

Cloudy with occasional showers (including some graupel/hail at times). Moderate to light winds. Temperatures in the 40s. I was grateful that observing didn’t start until noon today. Bird numbers in the cove continue to be lower relative to a month ago. I’m guessing the herring have moved out again. An exception has been Surf Scoters