Neighborhood Graminoids and a trip to Blue Lake March 6, 2011July 16, 2008 by matt goff [Show slideshow] Most of the Yarrow (Achillea millefolium) around here seems to be white, but the pinker versions are not uncommon. Yarrow (Achillea millefolium) flowers Clasping Arnica (Arnica lanceolata prima) is common in the riparian areas above Blue Lake. Clasping Arnica (Arnica lanceolata prima) is common in the riparian areas above Blue Lake. Clasping Arnica (Arnica lanceolata prima) is common in the riparian areas above Blue Lake. Smooth-stem Sedge (Carex laeviculmis) Smooth-stem Sedge (Carex laeviculmis American Mannagrass (Glyceria grandis) Pacific Fir-moss (Huperzia miyoshiana) Dagger-leaf Rush (Juncus ensifolius) Dagger-leaf Rush (Juncus ensifolius) Dagger-leaf Rush (Juncus ensifolius) Small-flowered Woodrush (Luzula parviflora) Small-flowered Woodrush (Luzula parviflora) Stinging Nettles (Urtica dioica) with flowers. Galerina sp Galerina sp Galerina sp Galerina sp Hypholoma sp growing on sandy shore at Blue Lake. Hypholoma sp growing on sandy shore at Blue Lake. Hypholoma sp growing on sandy shore at Blue Lake. Common Woodrush (Luzula multiflora) Common Woodrush (Luzula multiflora) Common Woodrush (Luzula multiflora) Sphagnum sp Armilaria ostoyae observed growing on a fallen log in upper Blue Lake Valley. Armilaria ostoyae observed growing on a fallen log in upper Blue Lake Valley. Bucklandiella sp. observed on rock slope above upper barrier falls of Blue Lake Creek. Gilled Polypore (Gloeophyllum sepiarium) observed growing on spruce log adjacent to Blue Lake Creek. Gilled Polypore (Gloeophyllum sepiarium) observed growing on spruce log adjacent to Blue Lake Creek. Possibly Pouzarella sp, but too far gone to be sure. Possibly Pouzarella sp, but too far gone to be sure. Unidentified mushroom observed growing on rotting wood in forest near Blue Lake Creek. Unidentified mushrooms observed growing along shore below high-water line at upper end of Blue Lake. Peltigera neopolydactyla observed growing on ground in valley above Blue Lake. Downy Oatgrass (Trisetum spicatum) observed growing on Blue Lake Creek gravel bar. Downy Oatgrass (Trisetum spicatum) observed growing on Blue Lake Creek gravel bar. Share this:ShareFacebookTwitter