Raven and Fungi March 6, 2011November 21, 2007 by matt goff [Show slideshow] Sitff Clubmoss (Lycopodium annotinum) with sporophytes. Sitff Clubmoss (Lycopodium annotinum) with sporophytes. Unidentified Mushrooms growing at the base of a mountain ash. Unidentified Mushrooms growing at the base of a mountain ash. Unidentified Mushrooms growing at the base of a mountain ash. Waxy cap (Hygrocybe sp) growing in muskeg. Waxy cap (Hygrocybe sp) growing in muskeg. Waxy cap (Hygrocybe sp) growing in muskeg. Raven in European Mountain Ash (Sorbus aucuparia) eating berries. Raven in European Mountain Ash (Sorbus aucuparia) Share this:ShareFacebookTwitter