6 July Photos: Mt. Verstovia March 6, 2011July 6, 2007 by matt goff [Show slideshow] Subalpine Daisy (Erigeron peregrinus) Subalpine Daisy (Erigeron peregrinus) Subalpine Daisy (Erigeron peregrinus) with Pollen-eating Rove Beetles (Eusphalerum sp) Subalpine Daisy (Erigeron peregrinus) with Pollen-eating Rove Beetles (Eusphalerum sp) Subalpine Daisy (Erigeron peregrinus) Alaska Mountain Heather (Harrimanella stelleriana) Hypogymnia duplicata Hypogymnia duplicata Hypogymnia duplicata Partridgefoot (Luetkea pectinata) observed at Peak 2550 Partridgefoot (Luetkea pectinata) observed at Peak 2550 Green Bog Orchid (Platanthera huronensis) observed at about 1800 feet on Mt. Verstovia Green Bog Orchid (Platanthera huronensis) observed at about 1800 feet on Mt. Verstovia Green Bog Orchid (Platanthera huronensis) observed at about 1800 feet on Mt. Verstovia Green Bog Orchid (Platanthera huronensis) observed at about 1800 feet on Mt. Verstovia Green Bog Orchid (Platanthera huronensis) with Pollen-eating Rove Beetle (Eusphalerum sp) Green Bog Orchid (Platanthera huronensis) observed at about 1800 feet on Mt. Verstovia Green Bog Orchid (Platanthera huronensis) observed at about 1800 feet on Mt. Verstovia Green Bog Orchid (Platanthera huronensis) observed at about 1800 feet on Mt. Verstovia White Mountain Heather (Cassiope mertensiana) I think this might be (Cladonia transcendens), but the habitat seems off compared to descriptions. White Mountain Heather (Cassiope mertensiana) I think this might be (Cladonia transcendens), but the habitat seems off compared to descriptions. I think this might be (Cladonia transcendens), but the habitat seems off compared to descriptions. I think this might be (Cladonia transcendens), but the habitat seems off compared to descriptions. Blooming Fern-leaf Goldthread (Coptis asplenifolia) Blooming Fern-leaf Goldthread (Coptis asplenifolia) Blooming Crowberry (Empetrum nigrum) Blooming Crowberry (Empetrum nigrum) Heart-leaf Twayblade (Listera chordata) Heart-leaf Twayblade (Listera chordata) Heart-leaf Twayblade (Listera cordata) Leaf Beetle (Syneta sp) observed near treeline on Verstovia. Leaf Beetle (Syneta sp) observed near treeline on Verstovia. Leaf Beetle (Syneta sp) observed near treeline on Verstovia. Soldier Beetle (Podabrus sp) observed on Peak 2550. Soldier Beetle (Podabrus sp) observed on Peak 2550. Share this:ShareFacebookTwitter