Last Wednesday

Last Wednesday grampa, Connor, uncle, grams, and I went rock hounding in south Idaho. Before that we went into Jackpot, then we turned around and went to the rock hounding spot. When we got to the spot, grampa, uncle, Connor, and I got out, and grams stayed in the car. Not too long after we got out of the car, I wandered away from the group to go look for a bird I was hearing. When I was looking I saw a Western meadowlark and some sort of sparrow. After that I went up the hill that the others were on. On my way up I saw a rabbit. When I was on the hill, grampa said he saw a lizard so I went and chased after it for awhile, but I never caught it. I saw lots of lizards while I was up there, but I never caught any. I saw some rabbits while I was up on the hill, and I saw a loggerhead shrike, and I got some photos of it before it flew off. After a while I went and sat on a flat rock on the hill. When I was on the rock Connor came by and went back to the car. When Connor was on his way down I saw a chipmunk. When I was getting my camera out, it ran off. When Connor was at the car I saw a rock wren, two lizards (one with its tail missing) and a rabbit. Later Connor came and yelled at me from the bottom of the hill that grams wanted me to come back to the car. When I got to the car, grampa and uncle were already there. Once we were ready, we went and got lunch.

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