First Hunt

TurkeyYesterday grandpa, Rick and I went to pack/hunt Brownlee Creek.  Rick had gotten an elk while grams and grandpa were in Sitka Alaska for Alaska day.
They were up there for the week end and then brought me up here to go grouse hunting in Idaho. So the day that we got to Idaho Rick called grandpa and   said that he got an elk and needed help getting it out. So the next day we went and got me a hunting license.  It took us a couple of hours to get it so by that time it was about 10 o’clock when we got going and got to Rick’s house. So we got the stuff loaded in his truck and by the time we got up there it was 1 in the afternoon. We brought a shot gun to shoot grouse if we saw one or a bear on the carcass. But we did not need it. We only got half the elk out the first time because  it got dark on the way down.   So we left the two hind quarters and we had to use head lamps to get down the hill to the truck. Then we got down to where we got phone service so we called grams. She said   why don’t you guys just stay in a motel in Cambridge. We got up the next morning and on our way to the hill we saw a lot of turkeys in a corn field  and  while I was watching them I saw a falcon come down and get a pigeon out of the air. A little while later down the road we saw a bunch of turkeys in the road so we got out and I took some photos of them. Then we got to the  hill to get the rest of the elk out and I saw two grouse in that area. But I did not get any grouse. We got back to the truck after we decided to go to another spot to hunt grouse.  We decided not to because when we pulled up to the trail there was a camp set up by it.  When we opened the door two bird dogs came out and they looked like they had been worked so we  figured  that the owners of those dogs had been grouse hunting. So we figured that there were not very many grouse. On our way back Rick saw a ruffed grouse running on the side of the hill by the road. We got out. It had run  in to a bush but grandpa  could  not see it. He had the shot gun. The grouse  got out of the bush to where I could see it but grandpa could not.  I ran and got the shot gun that I was using to hunt grouse. But by that time it had gone in to another bush so I went up and flushed it out but it flew over my head so grandpa could not shoot it.  After it flew over my head it landed down by a stream so we went down there. I found it under a bush. Grandpa could not see it. There were some small sticks in the way. I did not know at that time that the shot gun I was using could shoot through the sticks  so it flew and we did not get it. Then we went down the road  and saw some quail. We got out and I shot at one and missed so we went home.

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3 Responses to First Hunt

  1. rowan says:

    it sounds like your haveing fun. I miss you connor. my bike has a flat tire so I am using your bike. I hope that it okay.

  2. connor says:

    I am having fun.I miss you to Rowan.It is okay that you us it.

  3. rowan says:

    thank you

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